Simone Zanotto is a Permanent Researcher at the Nanoscience Institute (CNR-NANO).
After obtaining the Degree of Physics at the University of Pavia (2009), he joined the NEST Labs (Pisa) as PhD student of Scuola Normale Superiore, earning the degree in 2014. Subsequently he stayed at Polifab – Politecnico di Milano (2014-2015) and at LENS Laboratory (Firenze, 2016) as research scientist.
His scientific production spanned from nanophotonics for photovoltaics, to quantum light-matter interaction (intersubband polaritons), through tunable photonics based on transition metal oxides and responsive polymers.
A complete list of scientific publication is available on the Google Scholar page, or on Scopus. Some highlights are also present on ResearchGate. The PhD thesis is available here.
Since 2018 he is serving as Co-Teacher of Laboratorio di Fisica della Materia e Nanotecnologie at University of Pisa.
Simone Zanotto is a member of the Italian Physical Society, of OPTICA (formerly OSA), and of the Association for Physics Teaching. He is an alumnus of Collegio Ghislieri.